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Bygdelagenes Fellesraad

"Happy to provide you with the most current bygdelag information available, on the web."

Welcome to Fellesraad's Genealogy pages.

Which Lag would interest me?

Knowing a little about your ancestors helps. What part of Norway did they come from? Did they move around the country before emigrating?

If you know the geographic area where they first lived, click on the numbered area of the Fylke Map of Norway found below on this page. (Norwegian Fylke are often thought of as comparable to U.S. Counties.)

If you know the Fylke a good place to start are the links in the table below.

Many Lags have names that are taken from the major community or feature in their area. You may find a similar name in the List of Lags, also found below.

Most Lags have genealogists (people trained in finding your family roots) that are skilled in searching the history of families in the region's served by the respective Lag. Often the help and services of these people is included in the membership of the Lag. If you are unsure of which area your family came from call on the genealogist for the Lag of your best guess and they may be able to help you find the resource's you need.

How would I join a Lag?

Lag membership is usually a matter of contacting the membership secretary of the Lag and paying a yearly membership.

Dues the generally range from $5 to $25 US. (Please see the details supplied for the Lag you have interest in for more information!

There is no Lag for me!

Unfortunately there are still areas in some fylker for which no individual Lag exists. Finnmark, Nordland, and Troms are represented by two Lag, Sami and Nordland. These fylker cover a large geographic area but admittedly have a smaller population.

We would like to see Lags available for all areas and would be willing to help you set up a new Lag if there is enough interest.

Exploring your Norwegian roots.

You may start your search of these pages from a geographic location (Locate a numbered area on the Fylke Map of Norway below), then click on the numbered List of Norwegian Fylker (Counties) below, or search from the List of Bygdelag below.

You may start your search of these pages from a geographic location (Click on a numbered area on the Fylke Map of Norway below), from the List of Norwegian Fylker (Counties) below, or from the List of Bygdelag below.

Fylke Map of Norway

Note: Norway has changed the definitions of fylker by combining them in January of 2020 to make 11 from the former 19. This process was completed in January of 2024 to increase the 11 back to 15 where some of those combined in 2020 were returned to former status. For more information on these changes see this PDF compilation of some lag editors messages. Or for another explantion of the changes taking place in the structure of Norwegian fylke from an external source see A New Map of Norway: Meet Norway's New Counties

Fylker Map of Norway before the year 2020.

Fylker Map of Norway after January 1, 2024.

F1 F5 F4 F2 F3 F3 F6 F7 F8 F8 F9 F10 F10 F11 F12 F12 F13 F14 F15

Map Area #1. - City of Oslo
(Old map #1 Oslo)

Lags in fylke:
- Flere Lag Stevne
- Romerikslag

Web pages:
No page

Map Area #2. - Buskerud
(Old map #4 Buskerud)
Map Area #4. - Akershus
(Old map #3 Akershus)

Lags in fylke:
- Flere Lag Stevne
- Romerikslag

Web pages:
No page

Map Area #5. - Østfold
(Old map #2 Østfold)

Lags in fylke:
- Østfoldlag

Web pages:
No lag, no page

Map Area #6 - Vestfold
(Old map #7 Vestfold)
Map Area #7 - Telemark
(Old map #8 Telemark)
Map Area #8. - Agder
(Old map #9 Aust-Agder & #10 Vest-Agder)

Lags in fylke:
- Agderlag

Web pages:

Map Area #9. - Rogaland
(Old map #11 Rogaland)

Lags in fylke:
- Rogalandslag
- Vestlandslag

Web pages:
No page
No page

Map Area #10. - Vestland
(Old map #12 Hordaland & #13 Sogn og Fjordane)

Web pages:

No page
No page

No page
No page

Map Area #11. - Møre og Romsdal
(Old map #14 Møre og Romsdal)

Lags in fylke:
- Møre og Romsdal
- Vestlandslag

Web pages:
No page
No page

Map Area #12. - Trøndelag
(Old map #15 Sør-Trøndelag & #16 Nord-Trøndelag)

Web pages:
No page
Trønderlag of America
No page

Map Area #13. - Nordland
(Old map #17 Nordland)

Lags in fylke:
- Nordlandslag
- Sami

Web pages:
No page

Map Area #14. Troms
(Old map #18 Troms)

Lags in fylke:
- Nordlandslag
- Sami

Web pages:
No page

Map Area #15. Finnmark
(Old map #19 Finnmark)

Lags in fylke:
- Nordlandslag
- Sami

Web pages:
No page