2017 Logo

Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
- Lag Information Sheet -


Founded Sept. 8, 1910. **

President/Contact Person:

Denny Kalvig
6600 Lyndale Ave. S. #302
Richfield, MN 55423

Contact's Email:

Denny Kalvig

Lag Web Site:


Lag Genealogist:

Jim Oakland
406 N. Cherry Street
Lennox, S. Dakota 57039
(320) 491-6330

Susan Eckert
301 S. 2nd Ave
Brandon, SD 57005-1261
(605) 582-7288

Genealogist's Email:

Jim Oakland

Susan Eckert

Lag Treasurer:

Julie A. Clauson
22 14th Ave. SW
New Brighton, MN 55112

Treasurer's Email:

Julie A. Clauson

Lag Newsletter:

Vestlandet from Vestlandslag

To view or download a copy of Vestlandet
(A 3.3MB file) Click Here

Newsletter's Editor:

Editor's Email:

Stevne Information:

With Vestlandslag.


For a printable Vestlandslag membership form Click Here.

** Stavanger Lag organized in Story City, IA was the predecessor to Rogalandslag.