Founded Aug. 15, 1911 in Sioux Falls, SD.

Lag Officers
Lag History
Hardangerlaget (The society of people with Hardanger
origins. The "et" ending corresponds to the word
"the" in English). In 1902 and 1903, between one and two
hundred immigrants from Hardanger held reunions in Utopia Springs Iowa,
but, it wasn't until 1910 that interested men held a preliminary meeting
in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to consider organizing a lag. At a second
preliminary meeting held August 15, 1911, the decision was made to
organize. Officers were chosen and committees formed. Planning began for
a larger stevne to be held later that year, September of 1911. A
resolution stated: All those who were born in inner or outer Hardanger,
or are of Hardanger descent, or are married to someone of Hardanger
descent shall be eligible to be members of this lag.
The constitution was adopted at the Lag's first stevne
held September 28 and 29, 1911 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The lag's
purposes shall be:
with stevne meetings to maintain
personal knowledge and friendship between those from the Hardanger
immigrant parish people and their descendants in America.
to seek out, as widely as
possible, a complete inventory of the different Hardanger relatives
represented in this lag.
to preserve good and useful
memories of Hardanger, to work for Norwegian language study and for
the preservation of all the good and noble that on Christianity's
cause has unfolded itself in the Norwegian life and manner and can
be useful and a gift for our land and people.
to hold the lag outside of all
connection with political parties, church societies, and lodges.
The original founders include Vollert Hildahl, Tom
Questad, Lars Berveen and chosen officers: S.S. Tveit, president; Tosten
T. Sexe, vice-president; S.A. Jordahl, secretary; Ole Prestegaard,
treasurer; H.S. Hilleboe, historian. There were 241 charter members.
Annual meetings included programs of speeches, music, films of Norway
and other entertainment; a banquet of Norwegian food, a Sunday religious
service; but, perhaps most important, talk with friends and family also
attending stevne.
The loose organization of the Lag contributed to a lack
of stability and to a lack of devotion in those that did join. After the
enthusiasm of the 1914 celebration of Norway's independence, new lag
were organized; and existing lag either dissolved, became less active or
carried on with a "business as usual" attitude. Our lag members were
hoping to dispel the attitude that the immigrants were "less than
American". In the year preceding WWI, Hardangerlag met in Canton,
South Dakota, continuing the traditions of the Hardanger wedding and the
veitla (banquet) while supporting the idea that Norwegian Americans can
measure up to anyone claiming to be American. The capable leadership of
Samson S. Tveit from Albert Lea MN aided Hardangerlaget in continuing
through the Depression years, unlike some of the other lags. During
those years, our members found comfort in their gatherings, coming
together to recall and relive happier times. The traditional religious
services continued in various lag, perhaps due to the large number of
clergy as members within the lag. Hardangerlag was one of the lags known
for having religious overtones to its stevne. The years of WWII imposed
more difficulty on the lags. Moods were down, travel was restricted. Few
lags held stevne during the war. Leadership felt the bygdelag movement
was dead in the years after the war. Then the immigrant societies
revived the desire to unite around the cherished memories of home, but
with a change from the immigrants previous local attachments to a now
continuing attachment for Norway as a whole and its situation during and
after the war. Migration had declined in the decades before the war,
resulting in fewer new members to revive the lag with their enthusiasm
for the old memories. The older immigrants celebrated their romanticized
ideal of Norway. The more recent immigrants were more realistic, finding
the bygdelag activities old-fashioned, even obsolete. But even with the
original motivating forces gone; the desire to be with friends, to be
with people possessing common interests and to locate and know one's
roots continued.
Lag membership numbers have increased and dwindled for
various reasons over the years, contributing to the decisions of
separate lags to join into large, combined lags. In the Hardangerlaget
75th Anniversary booklet, Stella Peterson wrote that Hardangerlag and
Nordhordlandslag held their first joint meeting in 1967. Secretary's
minutes for Hardangerlag say the two lags continued meeting together for
ten years, until voting in 1977 to accept the invitation to meet with
Sognalag the next year. The minutes for 1978 and 1979 show that Vosselag
participated in those two stevne with Hardangerlag, Nordhordlandslag and
Sognalag. In 1979 the new newsletter Vestlandia (name changed to
Vestlandet by the third issue) has an article about the possibility of
Vestlandslag being formed at the coming stevne, the idea having been
discussed intermittently since 1950. The lags had been meeting together
for several years, cooperating on holding stevne, yet had remained
separate. During a combined meeting of all four lags on Saturday
morning, they decided on a merger. Vestlandslag was formed in 1979 for
management purposes, with each lag to retain their original identities
as districts within Vestlandslag. Issue #3 of the renamed Vestlandet
reported the 1979 stevne as successful! The original four lags of
Vestlandslag have been joined since then by More og Romsdalslag,
Rogalandslag, Sunnfjordlag and Sunnhordlandslag as part of Nordhordland/Sunnhordlanslag.
Note: The information above, with some editing, is from
the Vestlandslag Stevne 2011 booklet which contains Centennial Histories
of Hardangerlag, Rogalandslag and Sunnhordlandslag, written by each
lags' members.
Hardangerlag is one of eight (8) individual lags that hold stevne as
Holding the annual stevne in June.
More current information will be added as it becomes available or
Contact Vestlandslag President Ann Romo
or phone: < 507-821-2291>.
Recent Stevne
Stevne 2023
what you missed if you weren't there
Hardanger Lag
Annual Meeting June 10, 2023
Vestlandsiag Stevne June 7-10, 2023
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Austin, MN
Annual Meeting. Called to Order by President Donald Teigen.
Membership. Several persons attending the stevne indicated a Hardanger connection,
including our newest Lag members.. Eleven attended our Lag's Annual Meeting Saturday, June
Secretary's Report. Sue Eckert passed copies of the 2022 report to all members present.
They were approved as written.
Treasurer's Report. In absence of Treasurer Kyle Monson, our Secretary passed out
copies of his report showing a balance of $1,477.47. After an explanation of our Lag Money
being moved to another bank after Carolyn Bondhus' resignation and Kyle's $25 donation to
open the account, the Report was approved as shown to the members All agreed we appreciate
Kyle s donation and his handling the transfer.
Genealogist Report. The Kvinnherad volumes that had been loaned out have been
returned to our Lag. We don't have an actual total of researchers using our resources
during stevne, but several found new information on their families with the aid of our
resources, used on their own or with Sue's assistance. Stephanie will be helping one
person remotely after stevne. Jim was unable to attend stevne this year. Sue, Stephanie
and Jim continue to assist researchers from both our lag and Rogalandsiag.
Historian's Report. Janet displayed two flags she has been storing with other
historical items and wondered if our lag should continue to own them. Members decided to
accept Sonja Cotton's offer to purchase the flags at the $25 price set by our members. We
discussed long term placement of our other artifacts and records.
Officers. All officers agreed to continue in their current positions and members
found that agreeable, also. President, Donald Teigen. Vice-President, James Oakland.
Secretary, Sue Eckert. Treasurer, Kyle Monson. Historian, Janet Brandt. Fellesraad
Delegates, Donald Teigen & Sue Eckert. Alternate delegates, two positions open.
Other business. We increased our Treasury by $165, with $140 collected by our
annual 'pass the hat' and $25 for the two flags. We discussed progress being made at
Norway House. We owe huge thank-you's to the Vestlandslag Board, the Church members and
everyone else who toiled capably and diligently to make Stevne 2023 a success. Plans are
to gather at Urland Church near Cannon Falls MN in 2024. We hope you will join us there.
Respectfully submItted by Susan Eckart Hardangerlag Secretary.
Edited May 2024: Secretary added 'Urland church near'
To see notes from even earlier stevne see Archived Files
Stevne Photos
Click on photos to see a large copy.

U.S./ Dakota Indian War of 1862 & Hardanger Emigrant, Guri Endreson Rosseland
This year 2012 was the 150th anniversary of the U.S./Dakota Indian War
that began in 1862 and left so many of the Dakota Indians, US soldiers and
civilians killed; and Dakota Indians living on reservations in South
Dakota and Nebraska. To be fair, we should learn as much as possible about
the conflict before forming an opinion as to its causes.
Descendants of the Dakota Indians, soldiers and civilians may never
agree on the cause of the U.S.-Dakota Indian War that began in 1862. Some
say the Dakota refused to honor the treaties their chiefs had signed
during the early & mid-1800's. Others say the government agents and
traders didn't deliver the food , supplies and annuity payments to the
Dakota in compliance with the treaties as the price for the land. Between
400 and 600 soldiers and civilians, and an unknown number of Dakota
Indians were killed in the long six weeks of the war. Thirty-eight Dakota
men were hanged that December in Mankato MN, the largest mass execution in
our nation's history. President Lincoln had commuted death sentences to
prison terms for another 264 Dakota men, part of the original group
receiving death sentences. Many Dakota fled the area, but approximately
1600 surrendered.and were ordered to be held at Fort Snelling MN. After
losing approximately 300 people during their difficult winter at Fort
Snelling, the survivors were forced onto reservations in Dakota Territory
and Nebraska.
Guri Endresen Rosseland, 1813-1881.Wife, mother, immigrant, pioneer,
heroine. The details of Guri's story may change with each re-telling, but
the basic story stays the same. Unable to share the details any earlier, a
simplified, much-shortened version of her ordeal was finally included in a
letter written four years later to her family members at home in Hardanger
Norway. Using several sources for information, her story may be close to
As part of the Indian War of 1862 in southern Minnesota, the Indians,
friendly until this point, attacked her family while she and her youngest
daughter were in her family's root cellar. While continuing to hide there,
she witnessed the rebellious Indians as they attacked and killed her
husband, Lars, and oldest son, Endre. After the Indians had finished
ravaging her loved ones and departed, Guri emerged from her hiding place
into the dark and silent night to find the bodies of her husband and two
sons, her two older daughters kidnapped by the attackers and most of their
stock stampeded. She wandered the night away, unsuccessfully trying to
travel the distance to a married daughter's home nearby. Returning to her
own log cabin, she was over-joyed to discover son, Ole, alive and wounded,
but not dead as she had thought. After Guri gathered bedding and scraps of
food, they set off in a cart, two unbroken oxen pulling it along. Afraid
to approach her married daughter's cabin after finally arriving there,
they returned to their own and spent another night. Guri decided whoever
may be at her daughter and, son-in-law, Oscar Erickson's home must be
helped whatever the risk. Returning to that cabin, she discovered two men,
pioneer settler and trapper, Solomon Foot and her son-in-law, Oscar. After
cleaning and dressing the men's wounds, she loaded the men onto the
mattresses she had placed in a better wagon; un-aided in all of this, her
son unable to help due to his broken shoulder. With Foot sitting with his
rifle lying across his lap, Erickson suffering so badly that he begged the
others to kill him, her wounded son and baby daughter, Guri led the
escape. Never-sleeping, rummaging for provisions, Guri led the group for
three days until their arrival in Forest City about thirty miles away.
Arriving there, she discovered her two daughters had escaped the Indians,
wandered alone on the prairie for several days and been brought to Forest
City by a rescue party. Historic markers were erected at her family cabin
and, nearby, at the graves of her husband and son , buried where they were
killed. In 1907 a monument telling of her ordeal was erected at Vikor
Lutheran Cemetery near Willmar MN. She and her families returned to live
in Kandiyohi County and she is buried in the church yard; the spirited
pioneer woman who, as some said "just did what she had to do, without
complaint" and, as she told her Haringer relatives in that letter
written four years after, "praised God that she and her daughters
escaped with their lives, unharmed by the savages who had raged so
Names being researched by newsletter subscribers.
A list of the names currently being researched by Hardanger Hilsen subscribers
is available as of 02/05/2017 ...
Hardanger Lag Resources
For a compiled listing of current Hardanger resources to aid you in your family research
see here...
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