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Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
- Lag Information Sheet -


Founded March 9, 1907 in Walcott, ND.

About Hallinglag:

The Hallinglag is an organization of emigrant descendants from the Halling Valley in Norway and those interested in its history and culture. The Hallinglag was formed in 1907 to maintain their ties to the homeland and provide a place for those emigrants to assemble.

Each August the Hallinglag holds its annual all family reunion known as the "stevne". The stevne includes: Interesting speakers, Genealogy assistance including an extensive library, Norwegian foods and vendors, and a banquet, singing and dancing.

The Hallinglag is a member of the Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad.

The Hallinglag website is www.fellesraad.com/hallinglag/ They maintain a Group Facebook Page called: Hallinglag of America.

President/Contact Person:

Carma Rustan
11954 72nd Street SW
New England, ND 58647
(918) 240-8181 cell

Contact's Email:

Click Here

Lag Web Site:


Lag Genealogist:

Jackie Marler
3237 17th Ave. SW #202
Fargo ND 58103-4562

Genealogist's Email:

Click Here

Lag Treasurer:

Galen Rustan
11954 72nd Street SW
New England, ND 58647
701-260-7322 cell

Treasurer's Email:

Click Here

Newsletter's Editor:

Diane Magnusson
508 Valley View Drive,
Hudson, WI 54016
715-222-1471 cell

Editor's Email:

Click Here

Lag Newsletter:


Click here for an index to articles in Hallingen back issues.

Stevne Information:

The 2025 Stevne for the Hallinglag of America will be held July 24-26 at the Sheraton Hotel in Sioux Falls, SD. The board is busy making plans for a fun and interesting gathering. More info will be posted later.


This is the home page of the Red River Valley Genealogical Society in Fargo, North Dakota where the 400+ resources in the Hallinglag of America M.Kay Buckingham Memorial Family History Collection are housed and available to researchers.  Click on the "Norwegian Collection" button for more information.