2017 Logo

Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
- Lag Information Sheet -


Founded Jan. 20, 1909 in Minneapolis, MN.

About Nordlandslag:

Our members have roots in the Northern areas of Norway. (See Finmark, Trom or Nordland on these maps.) If you think or know your Norwegian-American roots are from these "Nordland" areas you can contact any of the persons listed below for information on our yearly get-together (stevne), Genealogy help or group activities. E-mail your phone number to (or call) any member listed and we would love to tell you more about our group activities and yearly stevne. Our web and Facebook pages are also a good source for more information about us.

President/Contact Person:

Linda Mohn
14782 Erickson Circle
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Contact's Email:

Click Here

Lag Web Site:


Lag Genealogist:

Jay W. Liedman
18700 Tri-County Rd NE
Paynesville, MN 56362
(320) 235-2522

Genealogist's Email:

Jay W. Liedman Click Here

Lag Treasurer:

Judith O'Malley
1710 McKinney Ave, Apt #118
Benson, MN 56152

Treasurer's Email:

None at this time.

Newsletter's Editor:

Shirley Sampson
P.O. box 206
Hoffman, MN 56339
(320) 986-2861


Jay W. Liedman
18700 Tri-County Rd NE
Paynesville, MN 56362
(320) 235-2522

Editor's Email:

Shirley Sampson booklady @ runestone . net

Jay W. Liedman genscan @ tds . net

Lag Newsletter:

Nord Norge

Quarterly - subscription:
United States - 1 year $17, 2 years $30, 3 years $40
Canada - 1 year $17
Norway - 1 year $19

Stevne Information:

2024 Stevne:
Nordlandslaget Stevne will be held June 17-19, 2024, at the Country Inn of Benson, MN.

Hosts: Deb Swanson of Ivanhoe, MN and Jay Liedman of Paynesville, MN.
Contact Jay Liedman at: genscan @ tds . net

Nordlandslaget Facebook:

Norwegian American Nordlandslaget Facebook: (Northern Norway Lag) https://www.facebook.com/Norwegian-American-Nordlandslaget-914898851858597/?fref=ts