20th Annual - Norwegian Lag Week
When: March 9 - March 15, 2025
What: Classes and research in family history.
Where: Family History Center/Library in Salt Lake City.
Fees: No charge for planned events or library access.
Lodging: Rates available at Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. (See below)
Note: Participants are responsible for their own transportation and meal plans.
Yearly Norwegian Log Week meetings are held in February or March. They are scheduled to come either
before or after the RootsTech convention held in Salt Lake City. In 2025 Log Week
follows RootsTech on March 9 - 15. Research and classes are held at the Family History
Center/Library, which is open to the public at no charge.
The hotel we use is conveniently located next to the Family History Center/Library. Please
call Rich Williams at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel ( phone number is 801-606-2410 ) to
make reservations at the 'Norwegian Log Week' special rate.
Note: Participants are responsible for their own transportation and meal plans.
Special classes will be announced this fall for participants of Norwegian Lag Week.
Return here for more information as it becomes available.
Let us know if you have a topic that may be of interest to all
and we will try to accommodate.
Please correspond with:
Our Fellesraad Norwegian Lag Week Coordinator: - Marilyn Sorensen
rddlagen @ usfamily . net
or Kathy Ward
km2ward @ yahoo . com