2017 Logo

Bygdelagenes Fellesraad

"Happy to provide you with the most current bygdelag information available, on the web."

"Documents and Viewing Aids"

This year's Annual Meeting is again being held via Zoom invitation.

Last year nearly one hundred members were able to join in from three countries and ten states.

In the section below you will find downloadable copies of many documents that are shown in the course of this meeting.

In addition there are helps for using the controls provided for you by Zoom.

Due to our limited capacity attendees must register to gain access to meeting links and passwords.


"Documents Used in the 2021 Meeting"

Click on the desired document to view it on the screen.

April 9th Letter from the President
President's Report to the Annual Meeting May 1st 2021
Fridays Agenda
Saturdays Agenda
Outline of Lag President's Reports
Slides of Lag President's Reports
Slate of Officers
Terje's Presentation as a .pdf "Plans for the 2025 Bicentennial"
Terje's Presentation for this session as a video

Terje's Q&A for this session as a video

Terje's Presentation as a .pdf "Resources and Research at the Norwegian Emigrant Museum"
Terje's Presentation as a video

Terje's Q&A for this session as a video

Minutes of Annual Meeting 2019
Norwegian Lag Week Report May 1st 2021
Norwegian And Other Genealogy Classes May 1st