Nordlandslaget was Founded in 1909 - Fifth Lag
We hold an annual convention (stevne) end of June (mid week)
Nord Norge is the official quarterly publication
We have Members in the United States, Canada and Norway
The counties of Norway (21) represented are
Troms and
Membership to our Group is easy
You can join anytime (mail a check)
Join at the next June get together (Stevne)
$15 yearly donation
Financial Secretary: Judy O’Malley
1710 McKinney Ave Apt #118
Benson, MN 56152, USA
and e-mail news are how we stay in touch between (Yearlly get togethers) Our Stevne
is an organization of the descendants of immigrants who came to North America from the
northern counties of Norway, beginning around the middle of the 19th Century. The
"Lag" formed as those immigrants developed a mutual support network for their
kinfolk and for the Nordlendinger who would follow to the new world.
Today Nordlandslaget continues in that tradition -- networking to sustain the spirit,
maintain ties to the homeland.
Genealogy is a major focus of many lags today. Perseving the culture of the regions
thru annual get togethers (Stevnes) that bond the Lag members together now and into
the future.
Purpose of Bygdelags: "To link the past with the present and future"
and to be "an educational / promotion site for Northern Norway"
The "Nord-lands-laget" Bygdelag is one of many Norwegian organizations (Lags) comprised of descendants of emigrants from Norway to North America.

Officers June 2024
President: Linda M. Mohn From Detroit Lakes, MN
Great Grandparents from
Vice President:Edward “Mike” Wick From Eagan, MN
Great Grandparents from
Secretary: Deb Swanson & Laurel Dikken From Sacred Heart, Mn
Great Grandparents from
Financial Secretary: Judy O’Malley From Benson, MN
Great Grandparents from
Web Volunteer Edward "Mike" Wick From Eagan,
Great Grandparents from Hunstad Gard, Bodin (10 mile East Bodo) Nordland
Great Grandparents from Skjeltstad Gard near Skau, (20 mile north Bodo) Nordland
Geneologist: Jay Liedman From Paynesville, Mn
Great Grandparents from
Nord Norge Editor: Open
This website is created and mantained by unpaid volunteers (members of Nordlandslaget) with limited web design experience. Be considerate of the problems or corrections you spot. Send me corrections or suggestions and I will fix asap. Thanks.