About Gudbrandsdalslaget:
Organized in 1909, our lag members are descendants, friends, and
relatives of immigrants to America and Canada from the
Gudbrandsdal area in Oppland, central Norway. The lag was formed
for members to maintain their ties to the homeland: the culture,
history, and customs, especially through our annual Stevne
convention every August, held with four other lags. We meet in
upper Midwest locations and feature seminars on a variety of
relevant topics, excellent genealogy resources and assistance
(see some of our resource links below), Norwegian foods and
vendors, and a banquet. We enjoy meeting new friends, as well as
seeing old friends and familiar faces every year. In recent
years the lag has organized tours to Gudbrandsdalen and other
parts of Norway to help participants experience their ancestral
President/Contact Person:
John F Peterson Contact's Email: Lag Web Site:
Lag Genealogist:
Marilyn Sorensen Genealogist's Email: Lag Treasurer:
Martha J. Balfanz Treasurer's Email: Newsletter's Editor:
Nancy Pickering Editor's Email: Lag Newsletter:
Gudbrandsdalslaget Brev Stevne Information:
August 5-8, 2025 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Links:
www.fellesraad.com/flere.htm. |