Hallinglag of America
Founded in 1907.
"Lat oss inkje forfederne gløyma"
(Let us not forget our forefathers)
2023 Group Photo
"Hallingdal is a rugged mountain valley in
Norway, part of Buskerud County (fylke).
Many people migrated from this valley coming to America and
Canada, especially during the 1800's. The Hallinglag is an organization formed in 1907 by these
immigrants and their descendants. The Hallinglag aims to preserve and promote the unique cultural
heritage given to us by these pioneers."
The above
paragraph appears in each issue of Hallingen-the magazine that
keeps Hallinglag members up-to-date on lag happenings and the
message sums up why this group has actively pursued knowledge about
its Norwegian heritage. The
Hallinglag has published Hallingen, which was given that name
in 1912, since 1908. The
magazine is just one of the lag's many strengths. Several historical societies and libraries have complete
collections, as do members and others. Although Hallingen was printed entirely in Norwegian for
years, today only an occasional article is written in Norse.
The Banner
The Hallinglag banner was
presented to the Hallinglag of America in Gol, Norway, June
1914. Members of the Hallinglag of America take pride in the
lag's banner, which is pictured on the front of each issue of Hallingen
and was depicted on a commemorative plate created in 1975.
Sixty-one years before that, Hallinglag members helped establish
the tradition of commemorating the lag's heritage when a group
of them traveled to Norway to celebrate the country's 100th
anniversary of independence. A total of 1,242 Norwegian
Americans went on that trip.
The Americans brought the Norwegians many gifts; in return the
Norwegian Hallings traveled to America the following year and
presented the Hallinglag of America with a silk banner made in
The banner's motif is from Hol, Norway, and Hallingskarvet is in
the background. The man's costume is from the Norwegian town of
Aal and the woman's is from the town of Gol. The banner proudly
declares the lag's theme, "Let Us Not Forget Our
Forefathers" which is from an Ivar Aasen poem.
The original banner was retired in 2017 and is housed
at the Myra Museum in Grand Forks ND. That original
banner was beautiful and a treasure, however,
transporting it to yearly Stevnes became a logistical
problem. This new, retractable banner was created in
2017 and will be used from here forward. The new
banner is 7 feet tall and weighs 5 pounds, making it
easy to transport and store.
Stevne Information
Plans are coming together for the 2025
Hallinglag Stevne.
The 2025 Stevne for the Hallinglag of America will be held
July 24-26 at the Sheraton Hotel in Sioux Falls, SD.
The board is busy making plans for a fun and interesting gathering.
More info will be posted later.
Genealogy room will be open throughout the event.
Questions can be directed to the Hallinglag President,
Carma Rustan.
A Letter from the President
May - 2023
Hallingen Index 1984 - 2014
Click here to load index.
The above link loads a .pdf file with an index to issues of Hallingen,
published by the Hallinglag of America between 1984 and 2014.
This file also includes information on where these issues may be found.
Membership Information
For a mail in Membership Form
Click Here
This is the home page of the Red River Valley Genealogical Society
in Fargo, North Dakota where the 400+ resources in the
Hallinglag of America M.Kay Buckingham Memorial Family History
Collection are housed and available to researchers. Click
on the "Norwegian Collection" button for more information.
This link is to the page of the local radio station in Hallingdal.
This site hosted by Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad
: www.fellesraad.com