"Happy to provide you with the most current bygdelag information available, on the web."
We are an organization serving today's community of Americans
having Norwegian ancestry. As such we strive to provide you with
the latest information on bygdelag activities, links to family
search resources, helpful paths to respective regional web sites
and connections to various genealogical helpers available for each
region. Many have used this site as an entry point to finding
their own Norwegian family history and an emerging connection to
others in a similar search.
Most bygdelag have extensive resources to help with your search
for ancestral family links originating within their regions of
expertise. Long time cultural ties with Norway and traditions
handed down through the families of most members envelope you in
the rich customs of old Norway still carried on in today's family
celebrations. Food, fun, entertainment and speakers on relevant
current and past topics fill out the annual meetings of these
Links to Lag Information Sheets Can be found on the "About Us", "Genealogy" and "Documents"
tabs in the menu sections on each page. The information pages give details on each lag as well as links to their web sites.
Check out the About Us tab to learn more of who we are and what we do.
(And what some of these strange words mean and sound like.)
The Events tab will give information on special projects or activities
of interest in the Norwegian community.
The Genealogy tab leads you to resources geared to help you find
your family roots and learn more about the sights, sounds and culture of your ancestral home land.
Check out the Calendar tab for lag activity dates and other events.
The Documents tab has copies of the latest down-loadable documents and
links to other common resources of interest.
The Archive tab has links to photos and documents from previous meetings and years.
Finally the Contacts tab lists the current officers and their contact information.
To check on the plans for your lag or if you would simply like more information
visit the lag info pages or the
Fellesraad Calendar.